vendredi 29 mai 2009

"Fragments", édition limitée de poèmes de Haris Metaxa / 50 exemplaires.

Edition bilingue, italien et français.
Textes originaux, écrits à l'occasion de l'exposition.

Série limitée, numérotée et signée, de 01 à 50.
16 pages cartonnées en papier "poussière de soleil".
Pochette en différents types de tissu blanc.
Format carte-postale.

Original texts in Italian and French,
written on the occasion of the exhibition.

Limited series, numbered and signed, going from 01 to 50.
16 pages on postcard paper "sun dust".
In a white fabric envelope, different kinds of fabrics.
Postcard format.

mardi 5 mai 2009


The magic garden
is a huge lung
beating on the rhythm of the universe,
quietly counting each second
leaving to my care
its transformation
in experience and expression.

Plants, birds, sun and silence,
all the ingredients are there
for the transformation
to take place.

So now I open my mouth
but is the garden's voice that speaks
through me.

série de 14 mouchoirs, poème brodé de perles.